is a new project about the wealth of natural waters for MINERÁLNE VODY a.s.
MINERÁLNE VODY a.s. with its brands of mineral waters, namely Baldovská, Drobček, Salvator and Savior, is one of the largest mineral water producers in Slovakia. As their partner for content marketing, we have launched the project (meaning "our water") for the client, which has been nothing but successful since its inception.
Project description
Currently, the portal gets more than 1000 unique users a day, and on several occasions was also mentioned in the media. Slovaks like and are proud of their natural waters -- and we have fully utilized this fact. Baldovská, as one of the most traditional mineral water brands in Slovakia, is gradually becoming the synonym of the "our water" phrase and is gaining fans not only amongst the older generations, who already recognise it, but also amongst the young people. And that being the goal of the project - to reach and build brand awareness amongst younger generations as well.
As the statistics show, the most represented amongst the visitors of the portal are people aged 25-40. Every visitor has a unique opportunity to learn more about Slovak natural water sources and locations, get tips for visiting various water attractions, find important information about proper hydrations or download the one of a kind e-book, which became the first electronic publication devoted to Slovak water.
Project results
Since the project has been active for only a few months, we cannot yet present the results. Here is a showcase of content you can already find on